Marion S. Barry was a transformational figure in the history of Washington DC. He shaped what was a sleepy southern town into a vibrant and thriving economic hub.
Marion Barry opened the doors to opportunity and prosperity for those who had been shut out of the American dream. He brought pride to the City and its residents. Marion
Barry was loved and revered by the people and was affectionately referred to as the “Mayor-for-Life”.
The story of Marion Barry does not begin in Washington DC. He was born in 1936 in Itta Bena, Mississippi. At the age of 8 years old, the young Marion began picking cotton. Born into extreme poverty, he worked a number of other jobs: delivering and selling newspapers and bagging groceries.
Despite the oppressive racial tension and political climate in which he grew up, at the age of 17, he earned the rank of Eagle Scout—an unprecedented achievement for a poor Black youth.
Mayor Barry often said that his formative years made him the man he grew up to be, and made him determined to change the conditions of the forgotten poor.
The Marion Barry Jr. Legacy Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) organization, was granted official status in March 2019. The purpose of the Foundation is to protect and advance the legacy and policies of Marion Barry Jr. and to educate the public about the contributions and history of Marion Barry. Funds raised though the Barry Place Store are used to advance the work of the Foundation in educating and uplifting people and communities and championing access to opportunities for all. Thank you for your support